Yoga is about lifestyle. Lifestyle means "the way you do your thing." And so, part of the way to do your thing, I'm suggesting, is do the homework. The homework is a simple sentence, which promotes curiosity. The reason for engaging curiosity is to come upon a clearer understanding and appreciation for What Is Really Going On. If you do not have a clear understanding of What Is Really Going On, then, yes, you will have an UNCLEAR understanding. And, if you have an unclear understanding, you will have a weird experience in the middle of Awesome Reality, Life. Most of us are having weird experiences in the middle of Awesome Reality, Life.
The simple homework is the sentence, "What is the truth of this new Now moment, really?" Whenever it occurs to you, say the sentence. Say the sentence so that in the next new moment — NOW —you interact with life with a little more curiosity about it than usual, so you are not whitewashing everything with your past best assessments...