Now, I want to go a little bit longer here, just to paint the big picture. I don't want it to seem wordy, but this has been significant for me. It's helpful.
I talk about Infinity. Infinite means "not finite." Finite means "limited." Infinite, therefore, is unlimited. Finite is anything with a border or a boundary. Forms are finite. But, any form or "thing"— like a bubble or a cloud — is happening in formlessness, in that which is not finite. A bubble floats in the air. A cloud floats in the sky. The bubble is a form, a cloud is a form, but the sky itself is not a form.
Formlessness is really there, but it is not a "thing."
Manifest Creation is formations in Formlessness, formations of Formlessness.
Consciousness is the Formless, the No-Thingness, the Nothingness, which is the Space or Context of everything. Infinity, therefore, is the Conscious Context in which finite forms are being experienced.
Now, if there is such a thing as The Infinite, then there is nothing other than The Infinite for The Infinite to be in conflict with. Therefore, the feeling-tone of Infinity is Calm — at peace, fearless, not afraid, because everything is happening inside Itself as an expression of Itself. There is no enemy.